Privacy policy
This privacy of data guarantee declaration applies specifically and exclusively to BikerPartShop services.
The Internet is a fabulous communication instrument. Every day we realize its growing importance in our life, as a click of the mouse is all we need to have the world at our feet. People get closer, experiences are spread more rapidly.
Society's evolution is, nowadays, increasing dramatically. For all these reasons, and for this mean of communication to be even more trusted by everyone, it’s important to the BikerPartShop that all its service’s users and page’s visitors have their data confidentiality guaranteed.
When we request your name, address, telephone number, qualifications, among others, our purpose is to maintain a closer relationship with our users. With your record, we’ll address you using your name, we’ll be closer to you and we’ll be able to answer your needs or requests much more effectively.
BikerPartShop guarantees that this information WILL NOT be used in any e-mail or telephone number promotional list, nor will it be disclosed to any other company or organization. The House of Events is committed to protect your privacy and will make an effort to guarantee the use of an effective technology so that you may have a safer online experience and your web relationships may grow stronger.
If, by any reason, BikerPartShop feels the need to update its privacy policy, you will be the first to be informed.
For any question you may have regarding this commitment, don’t hesitate to
Our website uses cookies. These are small text files saved on your hard drive. The cookies used on our site enable us to offer you the following services:
- Cookies used in audience measurement (visit volume, average number of pages visited ...)
- Social networking cookies generated by "social network sharing buttons"
- Identification cookies (access to the account, saving the basket ...)
- Cookies related to targeted advertising operations
Most cookies are intended to allow or facilitate your navigation and are necessary for the operation of our online store. The use of cookies, own or third parties, not necessarily required for the operation of the site requires express consent from you. You can express your consent or oppose the use of cookies by setting your connection device appropriately. For this, refer to the user guide of your browser.
Commercial prospecting by email
If you no longer wish to receive e-mail marketing, you can let us know by any means at any time:
Click on the unsubscribe link in each email
Send an email to the CONTACT US
In "My account" or in the customer area, go to the Newsletter section and uncheck the corresponding box
Edwige Beucher Ventura
Largo dos Chafarizes, nº9, 5ºdt
3050-333 Mealhada,
Tel: 00351 919430174